Complimentary Webinars are a benefit of your ACUARP Membership!
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Webinar Directory:
Recent Webinars
August 21, 2024
Fair Credit Reporting Act – A 2024 Regulatory Focus Area 
The Fair Credit Reporting Act continues to be a focus area of regulators at all levels. Touching all areas of the Credit Union, including Lending, Deposits, and even Human Resources, compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act can be a full-time endeavor. Join Doeren Mayhew's Compliance Manager Matt Hagen as he addresses the current FCRA regulatory environment, key FCRA compliance areas, and a look forward at the regulatory horizon.
July 24, 2024
AI Powered Audit Risk Efficiency: Risks and Precautions 
Unlock the potential of AI and related tools for internal audit and risk management teams, boosting effectiveness and efficiency. Learn to navigate risks associated with emerging technologies and implement precautions to avoid pitfalls.
May 22, 2024
Ethics Overview for Internal Auditors 
Overview of Ethics including background of Ethics and Code of Ethics structure. We will discuss common Ethical Dilemmas and safeguards to put in place along with recent trends.
April 10, 2024
ALM Models, Liquidity Models and the Assumptions that Drive Them 
Prior to 2023, regulation related to Interest Rate Risk (IRR) and liquidity had been unchanged for over a decade; however, based on recent Bank failures regulator’s focus on IRR and liquidity has become a focal point and continues to be an evolving landscape. This presentation will provide background information about established regulations and basics of modeling while providing a deep dive into how internal auditors should approach testing of these models. Participants will walk away with an understanding of how to evaluate conceptual soundness, ongoing model monitoring and common regulatory findings.
March 20, 2024
NCUA Supervisory Priorities 
Every year, the NCUA releases their Supervisory Priorities which highlights the areas that the NCUA views as the highest risks to credit union members and the credit union industry. This webinar will highlight the 2024 NCUA Supervisory Priorities including the changes from the 2023 Priorities. We plan to evaluate the risks associated with each priority and discuss our opinion of the main topics the NCUA will be focusing on in the upcoming year. As a bonus, we will also briefly discuss the newly released Global Internal Audit Standards issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors!
February 7, 2024
The Power of Total Population Testing 
Is there a way to make your next exam go smoother? Yes!
Is there a way to cut your external exam costs? Yes!
Is there a way to free up your staff's time for other projects? Yes!
Does testing your entire loan portfolio benefit your credit union? Yes!
This month's webinar will give the information on full population loan testing and why it can help your credit union. Rather than doing a small percentage, come and hear the benefits and value of testing your entire portfolio. It will help you during your next exam and will provide other benefits to you and your credit union.
December 13, 2023
Mindset of a Fraudster 
In part, this presentation explores the concepts of rationalization and integrity exhibited by those who commit white-collar crime and focuses on various perspectives.
A “mindset” can be described as the established set of attitudes held by someone.1 In the case of the mindset of fraudsters, or fraud perpetrators, it can include the ability to rationalize their actions and level of personal integrity. This article will examine the fraudster thought process based on what our professionals have observed.
There are three aspects to fraud, often referred to as the “fraud triangle”: pressure, opportunity, and rationalization.2 When thinking about the mindset of individuals who commit white-collar crime, their rationalization is what stands out. In addition, most anti-fraud professionals know that personal integrity can be weighed—along with other factors—to assess the probability of fraud. That model is called “the fraud scale.”3
Understanding rationalization within the mindset of a fraudster may seem easy. A person undergoes outside pressure, essentially backing them into a corner. They see an opportunity to relieve that pressure and come up with a way to rationalize their behavior.
1"The Power of Having a Growth Mindset Versus a Fixed Mindset,", March 12, 2019.
2"The Fraud Triangle,"
3"Accounting Scandal/Fraud Theory,", November 1, 2021.
November 8, 2023
CECL Model Validation 
Join us for an informative webinar where Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) experts share “tales from the trenches”.
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
* Identify common validation findings
* Apply tips for strengthening internal controls
* Use knowledge learned for the ongoing management and monitoring of their CECL model
* Prepare for your next audit
October 4, 2023
P2P Payment Channels – Trends, Risks, and Auditing Best Practices 
- Overview of payment landscape and evolving trends (i.e., RTP, FedNow, compliance updates, etc.)
- Identifying key risks and relevant controls to mitigate identified risks
- Auditing tips for areas to focus on/best practices
- Payment Landscape and Evolving Trends
- Real Time Payment Network Overview
- Payment Timeline
- Regulation E
- Management Oversight
- Payment Risks
- Payment Controls
- Fraud Prevention
- Auditing Payment Systems
- Summary
- Best Practices & Key Areas
September 20, 2023
Emerging Risks & Internal Audit...Looking Ahead and Forward 
Today, companies continue to reshape their business strategies, operational model, and resources. Disruptors such as change in consumer behavior, supply channel, economic volatility, technology, and competition also continue to bring about new, more complex, and possibly not well understood risks to organizations. As the eyes and ears of the Supervisory Committee and Business Partner of the organization, Internal Audit has an important role. As such, Internal Audit must assess and if needed, evolve its own practices and resources to support the organization and the journey. “Success is a journey, not a destination.”
Learning Objectives:
Expand your understanding of the role of Internal Audit in today’s complex environment.
Understand Internal Audit’s current challenges and opportunities.
Explore application of real-world examples that Internal Audit may implement at their organizations readily.
August 2, 2023
ERM and Internal Audit: Anticipating and Addressing Risks 
With a larger portion of the workforce now permanently distributed, ongoing geopolitical and inflation concerns, and the continuing acceleration of the digital transformation, today's dynamic, unpredictable risk environment is becoming the new default state. This webinar will explore ways to continue strengthening ERM programs to anticipate and address new and emerging risks and opportunities in this environment of extreme risk velocity and volume.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn how to assess your risk management posture.
2. Learn how to address your ERM needs, once identified.
3. Discover how the ongoing digital transformation is permanently altering the way teams should manage risk.
July 19, 2023
Ethics Overview for Internal Auditors 
This webinar will present an interactive overview of the theory of ethics, examples of codes of ethics, ethical dilemma faced by internal auditors and risk management professionals and a discussion of ethical leadership.
May 17, 2023
Vendor Due Diligence - Best Practices 
Vendor Due Diligence is an increasingly critical process for credit unions as third-party risk is growing and constantly evolving. The negative impact of a third-party vendor, such as a data breach, could be detrimental to your credit union's business operations and reputation. This upcoming webinar presents an opportunity to learn best practices around vendor due diligence. The webinar will cover key aspect of vendor due diligence, including addressing non-compliance issues, reviewing vendor contracts, identifying common audit recommendations, and much more!
April 19, 2023
IT Audit Hot Topics 
Information Technology and Cybersecurity is constantly evolving. This presentation will discuss the latest tips and trends for how to navigate your institution’s IT security posture to ensure you are protecting your assets efficiently and effectively. We will also bring you up to date on the latest FFIEC and other interagency guidance as it affects the roles and responsibilities within your financial institution. We’ll discuss the risks involved as credit unions continue to move into digital technology.
In this webinar, we will cover this and more:
- Cyber threat trends
- Cloud Security
- Common Findings
- Third Party Risk Management
- Updated regulatory guidance
March 29, 2023
Junk Fees & Overdraft Protection 
Credit Unions have encountered many headwinds over the pandemic, and are looking to learn from the past to position their lending portfolios for the future. This webinar will examine some of the lessons learned and offer guidance for navigating the credit risk road ahead.
February 22, 2023
Ransomware Preparedness – How Internal Auditors Can Help Manage Risk 
Ransomware is among the most prevalent threats to the operational, financial, and strategic resiliency of your institution. As ransomware variants continue to multiply and costs of a ransomware attacks grow at an exponential pace, organizations need to have a comprehensive approach to mitigating the risk of ransomware to ensure continuity of service and preserve their reputation in the marketplace. Where do you begin? How do you prioritize resources? How can Internal Auditors help manage this ever-growing risk?
During this informative session we will provide an overview of the existing threat landscape that ransomware presents to your organization, share critical information security practice areas that need to be developed to minimize the likelihood of harm when a ransomware attack eventually happens, and suggest resources to help identify existing gaps in people, processes, or technology. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of ransomware risk, the types of necessary controls necessary to minimize harm, and ideas on how you may help your institution through assurance or consultation services.
Key Take-aways:
- Understand the complexity of ransomware and how it takes advantage of weaknesses in technical, infrastructure and procedural deficiencies at organizations.
- Identification of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities that may affect the organization’s approach to ransomware risk management.
- Free resources to leverage in evaluating your ransomware risk management practice.
- Leading practices from industry and non-industry sources.
January 25, 2023
Regulatory Compliance Hot Spots 
This year has been harder than most to predict upcoming regulatory changes and examiner focus areas. While we could anticipate some changes and attention paid to areas like BSA, fair lending and Regulation E, other areas like UDAAP are transforming in surprising ways. This session will explore why and how the CFPB's focus has pivoted, and in turn prudential regulators like the NCUA have followed suit. We will also discuss evolving areas like websites, overdrafts, and junk/late fees.
December 7, 2022
In the webinar, we’ll plan to discuss a brief overview of digital assets terminology; current industry events and regulatory movements shaping the direction of digital assets in the US; key risks; and areas financial institutions are currently exploring and engaging within the digital assets ecosystem.
September 28, 2022
How to Improve Audit and Increase Coverage 
The demands on credit union audit and compliance professionals are greater than ever before. The last few years have brought rapid growth, new risks, and an increased workload. But available time isn't increasing, and additional resources are difficult or impossible to come by. For many, there's just not enough available time to complete all their work. But it doesn’t have to be that way...After 25 years automating key operational processes for credit unions, Brad Powell will share 4 strategies that will help you complete your existing workload in less time.
September 14, 2022
Agile Auditing 
In our post-pandemic world, internal auditors need to be able to add value in an agile way to protect their credit union against disruptions and quickly evolving risks. As risks are changing at a never before seen pace, internal auditors need to position themselves to swiftly respond in this “new normal.” While the concept of being agile and agile project management is not new, agile auditing is quickly becoming the future of auditing.
In Agile Auditing, JJ Edmunds, Senior Manager at PBMares, LLP and leader of the firm’s Credit Union Team, and Stacy Moore, Supervisor at PBMares, LLP will break down what agile auditing is and how you can implement it in your audit department. Don’t miss this opportunity to be better prepared for the future of your credit union.
August 10, 2022
FDCPA (Fair Debt Collections Practices Act) 
FDCPA - What does the new FDCPA rules really mean for CUs collecting on their own loans? During this session, we will highlight key changes to the new FDCPA rules by comparing the new requirements to ones that existed previously, touch on limitations related to FDCPA, how these changes will impact credit unions and share our insights on best practices for your institution.
July 27, 2022
Re-Envisioning Your IA Plan for Today’s Risks 
Today, internal auditors face much difficulty in identifying emerging risks and building risk-based plans that are flexible and dynamic amid continued disruption and uncertainty. As your supervisory committee’s eyes and ears – get a look at present-day areas your internal auditors should be focusing in on to help keep sight of the big picture of vulnerabilities and opportunities for your credit union. Learning objectives:
• Expand your understanding of identifying current risks applicable to the Credit Union and its internal audit.
• Gain insight of how to position the internal audit plan to address current risks.
• Explore application of real-world examples to re-envision the internal audit plan.
June 8, 2022
Managing Fintech Lending Partnerships 
The lending process is changing and there are ways to gain efficiency, generate more demand, play in a niche market, or be a conduit in the process. Join us as we discuss different models to augment your current lending practices and things to think about as part of our strategic planning.
May 25, 2022
BSA Model Validation 
Learn the in’s and out’s of how to perform a BSA Model Validation. This presentation will cover the objectives of a validation, procedures we recommend you implement, and best practices to keep in mind when performing fieldwork. We will also cover common regulatory findings related to BSA models and how to identify issues when performing internal audits.
April 20, 2022
Performing Risk Assessments for Payment Systems 
As stated in NCUA’s Letter 22-CU-02 to Credit Unions, one of NCUA’s Supervisory Priorities for 2022 includes Payment Systems. “Payment products, services, and operations is a growing area of complexity and risk for credit unions and consumers. As the retail payments landscape increasingly shifts and grows to meet consumer demand for easier and faster electronic access to and settlement of funds, the corresponding risk to credit unions and their members also increases. Today’s environment of easy and fast electronic processing of transactions relies on technology, the applications and their controls, and the underlying security of the platforms facilitating the transactions. The changes in payment systems increase the risk of fraud, illicit use, and breaches of data security. The NCUA will include increased focus in this area.”
This webinar will discuss performing a risk assessment for payment systems. It will cover the risk assessment process, key factors of the risk assessment, and specific key factors for electronic payment systems.
March 16, 2022
CECL Preparation 
As we near the date for credit unions to adopt the current effective credit loss (CECL) method in estimating the allowance for loan losses. This session will provide information for internal auditors to assess their credit union’s preparation and identify items that would be completed prior to adoption of CECL.
December 8, 2021
Auditing The Accounting Function(s) 
Since the credit union obtains an independent audit of the financial statements each year, internal audit does not need to ever look at this area……well, not necessarily. Internal auditors can play a key role in evaluating areas not generally included in the scope of the external audit. Digging deeper into an accounting function, ensuring past findings have been resolved, or diving into an area that is signaling increased risk can be a valuable use of internal audit resources.
Join this webinar, where Doeren Mayhew’s Bob Parks will talk accounting, including what is covered by the external auditors, and how internal auditors can incorporate the key accounting functions into their annual audit plans.
November 17, 2021
Credit Risk During a Transitioning Pandemic Period 
Credit Unions have encountered many headwinds over the pandemic, and are looking to learn from the past to position their lending portfolios for the future. This webinar will examine some of the lessons learned and offer guidance for navigating the credit risk road ahead.
August 18, 2021
Current Fraud Trends 
It is estimated the average organization loses 5 percent of its annual revenue to fraud, according to the ACFE’s 2018 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse. This session is designed to update you on current trends related to fraud and ways your credit union can utilize data analytics to mitigate fraud risks.
July 21, 2021
The IIA’s Three Lines Model: Basic Concepts and Practical Applications 
During 2020, the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) released an update to The Three Lines of Defense Model, now known as the Three Lines Model (Model). Issuance of the Model is both timely and relevant in consideration of COVID-19 and the anticipated economic/business impact on a prospective basis.
This webinar will provide an overview of Model, including the six key principles of:
• Governance
• Governing body roles
• Management and first and second line roles
• Third line roles
• Third line independence
• Creating and protecting value
In addition, the webinar will cover practical applications for financial institutions, the role of internal in the implementation of the new Model and ongoing considerations for internal audit on a prospective basis.
June 2, 2021
In this session we will provide a refresher on troubled debt restructurings and discuss changes that have occurred as a result of the CARES Act. We will discuss example workouts and provide guidance to auditors to assist with designing audits over modified loans. We will also provide an update on credit quality trends to provide context on the impact these modifications have had on loan portfolios.
May 12, 2021
In this session, we will discuss Reg E dispute requirements related to EFT error notifications, resolution timelines and extensions, member disclosure/notification and other topical areas. We will also touch upon how such requirements may overlap and/or differ from operating rules and regulations from payment networks like Visa and Mastercard. The presentation will also cover the implementation of controls to operationalize these requirements and to stay compliant. Finally industry trends around threat and risk mitigation will be addressed as will common pitfalls and issues such as the timeliness of provisional credit and the completion of reasonable resolution investigations.
April 14, 2021
Critical Examination Areas 
This webinar will provide an overview of the NCUA’s supervisory priorities for 2021 and share perspectives gained from experience working with institutions in size from $50 million to over $15 billion in assets. Participants can expect to walk away with increased insight into examiner concerns and common findings related to the NCUA’s supervisory priorities. Through interaction with the presenters, participants will learn best practices and ideas for improving audit programs.
February 17, 2021
Solar Winds Update 
This webinar session will examine up to date information related to how the SolarWinds Orion breach occurred, how the breach has affected organizations, and recommended response activities. We will address common strategies that have been observed to be effective in mitigating the SolarWinds Orion situation specifically as well as similar types of breach situations. We will also discuss secondary and third level attacks that have been observed/reported. Finally we will discuss other common risks that may be more readily exposed due to SolarWinds or similar breaches.
January 27, 2021
Pandemics - What Should You Be Thinking About? 
We've finally turned the page on 2020, but we're not past the pandemic quite yet. Alison Herrick and Mike Moreau from Wipfli will discuss things you should be considering in your credit unions in the current pandemic environment, in light of the changes that have been made, should have been made, or should be made now.
December 16, 2020
Regulatory Compliance Priorities for 2021 
Where should consumer compliance efforts be focused for 2021? This webinar will focus on some of the NCUA’s updated regulatory compliance priorities, the impact of COVID-19, and include common issues identified in examinations related to each area. Make sure to attend to stay aware of the current regulatory compliance trends and hot topics so you can attempt to avoid comments within your own examination.
December 9, 2020
Banking Hemp 
Over half the States have now legalized hemp in some form; so, it’s time we revisit this topic and bring things up to date. Let’s address the range of issues from definitions: cannabis, CBD, THC, hemp, and marijuana; to state and federal rules; due diligence; monitoring; procedures and documentation. We’ll try to give as much practical input as possible using a number of very recent ACAMs resources to help you ensure you have this covered. We will also address FinCEN’s new guidance for financial institutions working with hemp-related businesses. This FinCEN Guidance centers on due diligence requirements as related to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
October 14, 2020
Fair Credit Reporting Act 
As we continue moving through this period of pandemic, business continues moving forward and regulations continue to evolve and change. This webinar will address the latest on the Fair Credit Reporting Act and will cover:
- What are the two basic requirements of complying with FCRA?
- What are the two basic roles the CU plays with regard to information in the credit reporting process?
- What should a Direct Credit Dispute look like?
- What are the CU’s responsibilities in investigating and responding to a Direct Credit Dispute?
- Why does CU staff hate this process so much, and how are CUs messing this up?
- What are tell-tale signs that an investigation has been rubber-stamped?
- What is an Extended Fraud Alert, and how is it related to Credit Scrubbing?
- What’s the latest in litigation surrounding FCRA?
- What are some special considerations with credit reporting and the CARES Act?
August 26, 2020
COVID-19 and Internet Banking: IT Considerations for Credit Unions 
With the shift to the remote workforce, Member use of Internet Banking systems are at an all-time high and Credit Unions are experiencing their highest number of digital transactions in their respective history. This is requiring increased focus by Credit Unions when it comes to managing, monitoring, and ensuring availability of these key services. Crowe will provide you with an overview of increasing risks that members in the First, Second, and Third lines of defense should maintain awareness of.
July 15, 2020
COVID-19 Relief Effort Considerations for Credit Unions 
Most all credit unions are experiencing significant loan modification activity due to COVID-19 and the recession, and some loans (if not already) will soon be reaching the end of their relief periods. Regulators will be highly interested in the types of modifications your Credit Union is providing, success rates, tracking mechanisms, interest accruals, and overall allowance considerations. We will take a deep dive into these areas and identify why audit and risk management professionals need to be paying attention.
June 24, 2020
Building Your ERM Program 
As you embark on the journey to establishing a solid ERM program it’s critical you develop the vision that is aligned with your credit union. In this webinar I will share our journey from conducting initial risk assessments and building a risk register to evolving to develop appetite statements, metrics and governance to establish a strong ERM program. Having a program that is beyond examiner ready but fosters a risk mindset in your organization is key to a successful program.
Topics covered:
- Key elements of a solid ERM program
- Building a risk register
- Risk assessment best practices
- Developing risk appetite and monitoring metrics
- How to gain support and commitment from the top
April 22, 2020
What's Our Role 
Credit Union Internal Auditors (CUIA) are asking “What’s our Role?” (The Role Question). More specifically, “What is the role of internal audit in contrast with other risk professionals?” I believe, CUIA are asking the “Role Question” because internal audit’s role is evolving. In This webinar Stephen LaBarbera will provide evidence to support that Internal Audits Role is evolving and provide valuable insights for CUIA asking “What’s our Role?”
April 2, 2020
Auditing Culture 
The culture of an organization can have a significant impact on the long-term success of an organization. This session will address opportunities for an internal audit department to perform an audit of the culture of the credit union. Key areas that will be covered in this webinar include regulatory requirements as well as specific areas to consider in the scope of your audit of the credit union’s culture.
November 13, 2019
CFPB Pre-Paid Rule 
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ("CFPB") issued a final rule, on October 5, 2016, creating comprehensive protections for prepaid accounts under Regulation E and Regulation Z ("Prepaid Rule"). The CFPB subsequently issued final rules delaying the effective date to April 1, 2019, and clarifying certain provisions of the Prepaid Rule. The Prepaid Rule extends Regulation E's coverage to prepaid accounts; modifies Regulation E to create tailored provisions governing disclosures, limited liability and error resolution, and periodic statements for prepaid accounts; creates new requirements that apply only to prepaid accounts; regulates overdraft credit features that may be offered in conjunction with prepaid accounts.
October 30, 2019
IT Auditing for the Non-IT Auditor 
As organizations continue to become more reliant on technology to run their businesses, the risks these technologies pose continue to rise. From cyber-attacks to the cost of failed project implementations, organizations need to be equipped with the information to proactively address these concerns.
This presentation will explore several ways that internal audit shops can add value to their organization by assessing some of the most common technology risks facing businesses today. Key topics include auditing common IT General Controls (ITGCs), assessing IT governance, and consulting on IT project implementations.
September 11, 2019
Cloud Security 
It is estimated that over 75% of companies worldwide today are utilizing cloud services in some manner to support their IT and business application needs. Understanding the security issues and risks associated with cloud computing is essential to knowing how to protect your institution’s data and infrastructure.
In this session, we’ll look at the current cloud computing landscape and discuss the various risks and security implications with using this technology, such as data ownership and control, data loss, privacy, and security monitoring.
August 14, 2019
Expanding Role of ERM and Internal Audit 
Recently the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) has issued a white paper to garner input on changing the three lines of defense (3LOD). While it is about 5 years late, it is a recognition of the changing and challenging roles and responsibilities of both risk and audit inside the organization. Today there are significant gaps and overlapping activity which causes confusion or worse. It's clear that the lines of responsibilities between risk and audit have been blurred for some time. Like my eyes, the blurring continues to grow worse.
This webinar will take a look at the potential change in the 3LOD and the realities of the changing roles and responsibilities of risk and audit. What does this mean for you? What does it mean for your organization? What it might mean and what are the pitfalls and realities of handling these responsibilities in the real-world versus committee academia.
Join, Tony Ferris, CEO of Rochdale Paragon Group for an open dialog addressing the realities of the responsibility of managing risk and providing independent assurance inside our organizations.
July 24, 2019
Communicating Compliance Concerns to SC 
This webinar will covers the following: Managing the Credit Union’s compliance with federal and state regulations is part of the Credit Union’s enterprise risk management program. Though managing this risk is more than “checking the box” and it should be truly understanding risks to the Credit Union and the impact they can have.
In this session you will learn about how a Compliance Management System should be structured, it’s governance, and what should be communicated to the Supervisory Committee and/or Board of Directors. We will discuss items such as risk assessment results, complaint resolution and root cause, vendor management monitoring and a number of other areas.
June 5, 2019
Auditing Vendor Management 
Vendor Management is quickly becoming one of the hot topics that the NCUA is most concerned about. During this presentation, JJ Edmunds from PBMares, LLP, will walk us through how he audits a vendor management program. He will give some tips and tricks for completing a successful vendor management audit and go through some common findings that they see.
May 22, 2019
Social Media Website Compliance 
Make no mistake about it – examiners are starting to look closer at websites and social media posts for compliance violations. In this webinar we show you how to improve your website and social media compliance with federal consumer protection regulations. We are seeing a greater amount of compliance violations on website and social media posts. Why? Because there is much more information being shared on websites and social media by credit unions. And the information being shared is more detailed and tailored towards specific audiences. This leads to triggering compliance requirements and disclosures. We will discuss the most common compliance violations we are finding on credit union websites and the steps to take to avoid them. Areas covered include Regulation Z, UDAAP, Truth in Savings, courtesy pay programs, and fair lending.
May 8, 2019
Preparing for CECL: Regulator Expectations
In this webinar presenter Gordon J. Dobner discusses possible regulatory expectations under CECL. The webinar covers the following:
• Current expectations today under the interagency guidance on the allowance for loan and lease losses and IRPS 0203
• New regulatory guidance issued related to CECL and what will change
• Discuss best practices on how to address regulatory expectations during the CECL implementation process
April, 24 2019
Digital/Crypto/Virtual Currencies 
This webinar focuses on the regulatory compliance considerations associated with the banking of Cryptocurrencies. This includes an introduction to cryptocurrencies, an overview of the different cryptocurrency consumers that might approach a credit union for services, and the compliance considerations in opening and maintains accounts for cryptocurrency members.
Participants should leave with an understanding of cryptocurrency, ability to identify the different cryptocurrency consumers and an ability to address the necessary compliance considerations raised when serving cryptocurrency members.
March, 20 2019
How AML Really Fights Financial Crime 
Most of us work to fight financial crime in a financial institution and we can get caught up in the daily grind of regulatory compliance and exam. We will take a step back and look at how the information we collect and report greatly benefits law enforcement and truly makes a difference in fighting financial crime. This is why we do what we do-- putting a stop to drug trafficking, terrorist financing, human trafficking, and more.
During this webinar the following learning objectives will be addressed:
• Reinforce the importance of AML programs
• Understand different kinds of trafficking
• Important triggers to look for
• Valuable insights from some real-life examples
About the Presenter:
This webinar is presented by Nice Actimize
December 5, 2018
Lending Review Best Practices 
Lending is the cornerstone of every Credit Union. As such, performing a quality lending operations audit is essential for all internal audit departments. During this webinar, JJ Edmunds from PBMares, LLP, will provide an overview of the lending operations audit and the 6 stages of fieldwork. He’ll also share some tips for performing a loan review, as well as best practice and other key issues to consider when conduction lending audits.
November 14, 2018
Collection Pitfalls 
There are several issues like 1099s where regulatory compliance concerns and collections meet. When you talk about 1099s, you mostly talk about the determination whether or not the CU should file it. Understanding why you have to file the form in the first place is essential in the process to your determination regarding whether to file.
The next big idea that we will cover relates to the identifiable events. The IRS lists identifiable events that will trigger your need to file this form, and last year, one of these identifiable events was removed from the list. Some of these events are self-explanatory, but a couple of them require a closer, more in-depth review so that we can get a complete understanding of them. That is the major goal of this webinar: to get you very comfortable with these identifiable events. If you can master these identifiable events, you will be able to handle future questions regarding 1099s.
November 7, 2018
Risk Appetite 
Risk appetite is woven into the culture of the organization, both formally and informally. Perceptions concerning the organization’s values and performance expectations drive decisions at every level of the organization. Very few firms provide relevant and meaningful views of risk in a context to evaluate performance, to reliably measure and manage within levels of expected performance, and provide decisioning information to assist in the protection and accomplishments of the organization.
This session will provide a well-rounded and practical view of:
· What is risk appetite
· What are the benefits of a risk program
· How do you formally develop organizational risk appetite
· How do you use risk appetite to advance and protect your business
October 10, 2018
Current Fraud Trends 
It is estimated the average organization loses 5 percent of its annual revenue to fraud, according to the ACFE’s 2018 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse. This session is designed to update you on current trends related to fraud and ways your credit union can utilize data analytics to mitigate fraud risks.
July 25, 2018
Cybersecurity is an ever growing issue for credit unions and one that increasingly requires strong oversight.
This webinar addresses regulatory requirements and what internal auditors should be focused on when auditing the cybersecurity program.
March 14, 2018
Vendor Management From the Operations Perspective 
Today’s intricate web of vendors, suppliers, affiliates, and other third parties can expose organizations to an array of risk management challenges. As third-party relationships grow more complex, organizations are exposed to new types of financial, compliance, and operational risks. Identifying these risks, assessing their potential impact, and determining appropriate mitigation strategies requires both experience and an objective perspective. Presented by Crowe Horwath this session explores recent trends in effective vendor risk management programs. Highlights of these key trends include program design and scalability based upon the size and complexity of an organization's operations and the utilization of technology to facilitate workflow and enhance reporting.
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