ACUIA Webinar - QAR and QAIP Basics

 ACUIA Webinar: QAR and QAIP Basics

Wednesday July 27, 2016 - 12:00pm EST

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Have you wondered what the recent changes in the IIA’s Standards mean for you and your audit shop?  We’ve got you covered!  Join us for an informative webinar by the experts from Moss Adams that covers basic concepts to plan and perform periodic Quality Assessment Reviews, both internal and external, and how to execute Quality Assurance Improvement Programs, based on recent guidance as provided by the IIA.

About the Presenters:

Katherine Hart, Senior Manager Moss Adams

Katherine has been in public accounting since 2005. Before joining Moss Adams, she spent more than 10 years in the banking industry. Her banking experience included positions as a teller, vault teller, operations assistant, loan assistant, staff and senior accountant, assistant controller, consultant, and auditor. Katherine’s public accounting experience has primarily been in the areas of auditing, accounting, internal audit and regulatory compliance, and SEC reporting for numerous companies, primarily in the financial institutions industry. Katherine leads the regulatory services group in the Portland office, with a primary focus on safety and soundness. Special projects she has been involved with include allowance for loan and lease losses review, loan file credit quality and documentation analysis, special assets and OREO review, call report preparation and review, operational lending review, initial public offerings, and periodic ’34 Act US Securities and Exchange Commission filings (10-K, 10-Q, 8-K).

David Merwin, Manager Moss Adams

David is a Financial Services Consultant for Moss Adams, with more than nine years of public accounting experience four of which in a supervisory role. Working with financial industry clients of various sizes, and experience with SEC registrants. His specific areas of expertise include:

• FI Internal Audits - Operational audits and FI Regulatory Compliance audits

• Trust audits (12 CFR 9)

• Quality Assessment Reviews in accordance with IIA Standards

• Audits of internal controls in accordance with FDICIA and SOX

• Credit review and evaluation

• Interest Rate Risk Management

• Chapter 6 & 7 HUD audits

• Financial Statement audits

• Numerous recurring audits of financial statements

• Engagement in-charge on financial institution engagements

• Review of SEC Forms 10-K and 10-Q

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